New Hampshire NHIAA State Divisional Championships 2013 vs New Hampshire NHIAA State Divisional Championships 2016

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +555 882 327
Overall Average -58.77 21:34.55 22:33.32
1st-10th Place -42.58 16:13.00 16:55.58
1st-25th Place -51.64 16:26.72 17:18.36
1st-50th Place -1:07.69 16:40.36 17:48.05
1st-100th Place -1:35.29 17:00.05 18:35.34
Common Athletes -- -- 32
Ran Faster -16 8 24
Ran Season Best 4 25 21
Average Time +55.10 22:50.09 21:54.99
Median Time +1:12.00 22:25.00 21:13.00
Middle 80% Times +1:05.12 22:59.42 21:54.30
Top 10% Times +1:37.80 18:32.00 16:54.20
Top 25% Times +1:36.69 19:04.38 17:27.69
Top 50% Times +1:49.47 20:17.75 18:28.28
Bottom 50% Times +0.73 25:22.44 25:21.71
Bottom 25% Times -1:11.51 27:02.00 28:13.51
Bottom 10% Times -2:06.22 28:08.00 30:14.22
Average Difference +55.10 -- --
Median Difference +3:48.40 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:15.36 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1:26.50 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:41.53 -- --
Top 25% Difference +1:28.45 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:41.53 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +8.68 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -40.56 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -2:13.28 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
James Elmour Monadnock Regional High School +1:05.00 17:41.00 16:36.00
Jake Movessian Mascenic Regional +1:27.90 18:22.00 16:54.10
Dawson Adams Monadnock Regional High School +1:54.80 18:58.00 17:03.20
Zach Hartman Portsmouth Christian +2:31.50 19:35.00 17:03.50
Tim Cunningham Kearsarge Regional High School +1:18.30 19:07.00 17:48.70
Logan Brough Laconia High School +1:26.40 19:16.00 17:49.60
Nick Leclerc The Derryfield School +2:45.40 20:58.00 18:12.60
Mark Young Gilford High School +4:11.20 22:25.00 18:13.80
Isaiah Knowlton Belmont High School +3:01.20 21:43.00 18:41.80
Ben Bergeron Berlin High School +1:27.00 20:09.00 18:42.00
Jack Fogarty Moultonborough Academy +3:48.40 22:33.00 18:44.60
Jack Longo Portsmouth Christian +36.70 19:27.00 18:50.30
Tyler Mann Winnisquam Regional High School +2:28.90 21:52.00 19:23.10
Alex Bassett Moultonborough Academy +1:21.00 21:13.00 19:52.00
Joe Stevens Portsmouth Christian +1:24.30 22:09.00 20:44.70
Jameson Rossignol Newmarket High School +42.50 21:35.00 20:52.50
Sohani Demian Bow High School -37.70 20:56.00 21:33.70
Samantha Molinari Campbell High School +5:35.00 26:48.00 21:13.00
Anthon Eldridge Gilford High School +2:55.60 24:14.00 21:18.40
Olivia Krause Bow High School -2:10.00 21:43.00 23:53.00
Kelsey Mako Moultonborough Academy +1:53.20 24:25.00 22:31.80
Rachel Smith Moultonborough Academy -2:39.60 22:41.00 25:20.60
Devin Duhaime Mascoma Valley Regional High School +1:39.10 24:36.00 22:56.90
Annie Carr Kearsarge Regional High School +19.70 23:31.00 23:11.30
Skyler Brown Manchester Memorial High School +1:56.90 25:18.00 23:21.10
Madelein Anctil Newmarket High School +1:30.90 26:54.00 25:23.10
Anna Carroll Bishop Brady High School -2:10.30 25:30.00 27:40.30
Claudia Biron Newport High School -3:11.40 25:54.00 29:05.40
Makenna Force White Mountains Regional High School -1:27.00 26:00.00 27:27.00
Elizabeth Ryan Hinsdale High -5:33.90 26:20.00 31:53.90
Bethany Boone Newport High School +3:20.50 30:01.00 26:40.50
Rebecca Ryan Hinsdale High -3:28.30 28:49.00 32:17.30