The Greely Ranger boys captured the small schools team race with 88 points. Greely was led by the 5th place finish of Nate Maderia. The top individual runner from Maine was Cam Regan (NYA0 4th place 16:59. On the girls side Kirstin Sandreuter of Greely was the top Maine finisher in 3rd place with a time of 19:42. To read more...
Greely Boys win Small Schools Division @ Manchester Invitational
Sep 25, 2011
9/24 Weekend Recap: It's a Mass sweep at Ocean State
Sep 25, 2011
Brookline shows their strength at Amherst and Massachusetts teams travel to Rhode Island to sweep the Ocean State Invitational.

Hopkinton HS XC 9/24/11
Sep 25, 2011
At the 37th annual Manchester Invitational, Emily finished 31st out of 179 runners in the Varsity Girl's race with a time of 21:58. The team finished 2nd out of 24 teams from all over New England.
9/24 Weekend Preview: Amherst, Ocean State, Bowdoin.....
Sep 21, 2011
The first weekend of traditional format invitationals is upon us, and the state's best programs are scattered across four states as they search for ideal conditions to foster their development.