Send Us Your Meet Schedules!

One of the most important parts of MileSplit New Hampshire is the meet calendar located at the top of the home page. Here you will find all the meets across the state for that given season. Coaches, this is where we can use your help. If you have a meet, no matter if its a dual or large invitational, we want to get it posted!

If you want to use our online registration, a simple, easy way to handle your meet entry you may do that as well. Simply, follow the instructions in the link below, fill out the form, and you will be on your way.

Following your meet, you can send the results to myself ( or Derek ( The ideal format is html, but we will also take PDF, excel or racetab which is our FREE race management software.

Once we have those meet results, we will be able to get those in the respective athlete profiles, and our rankings.

This is VERY VERY IMPORTANT. Without these results, we have know way of giving the athletes credit for their performances.

We look forward to a fantastic cross country season and future for MileSplit New Hampshire and we can't do it without your support!